Pushing and Pulling Applications

Ferry lets you easily share your application with others.

Once you’re done developing your app, you can upload your application to the Ferry servers to share it with others. For now, you’ll need an account on Docker.io to upload your images and another on Ferry to store your application stack. Once you have these accounts, you’ll need to create an authorization file.

$ cat ~/.ferry.docker
     user: <DOCKER LOGIN>
     password: <DOCKER PASSWORD>
     email: <DOCKER EMAIL>
     server: https://index.docker.io/v1/
     user: <FERRY LOGIN>
     key: <FERRY KEY>
     server: http://apps.opencore.io
     registry: docker

Note that currently all Ferry applications are public. It doesn’t necessarily mean that all your customizations are publicly accessible, just that anybody can download your application. Private applications are something that we plan on supporting in the near future.

To upload the application, just perform a push command and point it to your application stack.

$ ferry push app:///home/ferry/mortar.yml

The final name of the application is your Ferry user name appended with the name of the application file.

Pulling Applications

To download an application, you’ll want to perform a pull command. Ferry lets you download Docker images manually or an entire Ferry application. Here we’re going to pull the Mortar Recommendation System application.

$ sudo ferry pull app://opencore/mortar
$ ferry inspect opencore/mortar
   - storage:
        personality: "hadoop"
        instances: ">=1"
           - "hive"
   - personality: "ferry/mortar-recsys"

This will pull all the Docker images the application needs and will register the application on your local machine. If you just want to download an image, just type:

$ sudo ferry pull image://opencore/mortar-recsys

Once you downloaded the application, you can start it like any other application:

$ ferry start opencore/mortar